+ IP calculator
+ The IP location shows the position of the IP address on the map.
+ The network position shows the position on the scanned network map.
+ Backup / restore of data in the local folder or with Google Drive.
+ Speed Test: This tool calculates download speed and upload speed.
+ Loads all previously detected devices on a network offline.
+ Shows information about the wifi connection
+ Shows information about the mobile phone provider.
+ Monitoring and diagnosis of remote devices
+ Port scanner to scan the most common port used.
+ Available themes.
Supported Android
(4.1 and up)
Jelly Bean (4.1 – 4.3.1),KitKat (4.4 – 4.4.4),Lollipop (5.0 – 5.1.1),Marshmallow (6.0 – 6.0.1),Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.1),Oreo (8.0-8.1), Pie(9.0)
Download NetX Network Tools PRO APK Paid
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source https://uapkpro.org/netx-network-tools-pro-8-0-6-0-apk-paid/