hyperion launcher fifty four Mod APK Plus Free Download

hyperion launcher fifty four Mod APK Plus

hyperion launcher fifty four Mod APK Plus

We believe that not only should everyone deserve a sweet, feature-packed launcher with beautiful UX, we wanted it to always be up to date with the best of what Google has to offer at a steady pace, as well as constantly pushing new tweaks. and customization options users want … without the bloat!
+ Drawer bottom; scroll indicator brightness and color settings
+ Dock background color
+ Folder background color
+ Find widget colors (drawer / dock)
+ Smart widget colors
+ Iconography:
+ Adaptive Icon Modeling (More shapes coming soon in Pro!)
+ Typography:
+ Complete launcher font change (Pro!)
+ Interface:
+ Hidden apps
+ Desktop lock (includes temporary unlock)
+ Scrolling wallpaper
+ Wallpaper gradient settings
+ Drawer and spring blur
+ Navigation bar display
+ Google Feed (Hyperion Dock)
+ Custom feed (coming soon)
+ Remembering the position of the app drawer / Close automatically
+ Dock / Page indicator style
+ Spring style and shade
+ Two-row spring
+ Grids:
+ Desk, drawer and base
+ Widgets:
+ Google search widget
+ Custom gestures (Pro!):
+ One / two finger double tap, swipe up, swipe down
+ Animations:
+ Launcher animation speed
+ Application launch animation
+ Fade transition on swipe – Inspired by OxygenOS Launcher
+ Bounce physics
+ Profile manager:
+ Cloud sync (soon for professional users!)

Supported Android
(4.1 and up)
Lollipop (5.0 – 5.1.1),Marshmallow (6.0 – 6.0.1),Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.1),Oreo (8.0-8.1), Pie(9.0)

Download hyperion launcher fifty four Mod APK Plus


The post hyperion launcher fifty four Mod APK Plus appeared first on APK PRO.

source https://uapkpro.org/hyperion-launcher-fifty-four-mod-apk-plus/

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