Stream free movies and shows, plus more than 80 live TV channels, instantly, without a subscription. Add your own media to the mix, including your personal video, music, and photo collections, as well as your favorite podcasts, web shows, and online news across all your devices.
+ Plex presents your media seamlessly with illustrations, rich metadata, and related content.
+ Plex automatically converts your media on the fly for playback on any device.
+ Easily share your media with friends and family.
+ Synchronize media with your phone or tablet for offline viewing.
+ Online trailers and extras for the movies in your collection.
+ Vevo’s high definition music videos appear alongside your music
+ Bookmark online videos from sites like Vimeo and YouTube so you can ‘Watch Later’ in all your Plex apps.
Supported Android
(4.1 and up)
Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0 – 4.0.4),Jelly Bean (4.1 – 4.3.1),KitKat (4.4 – 4.4.4),Lollipop (5.0 – 5.1.1),Marshmallow (6.0 – 6.0.1),Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.1),Oreo (8.0-8.1), Pie(9.0)
Download Plex Stream Free Movies, Shows, Live TV & more APK Final Unlocked
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