Franco Kernel Manager is a complete toolbox for all devices with a rich set of functions aimed at ease of use to empower your kernel. From the least informed to the most expert user, it combines everything you need to manage, tune and power your device.
+ Deep integration with FrancoKernel;
+ Editor Build.prop;
+ Auto flash cores and basically any zip that can be flashed without having to visit a custom recovery;
+ Powerful battery saving tips as simple as the touch of a button;
+ Show color temperature defaults and KLapse support;
+ Support for Adreno Idler GPU, GPU boost, Adreno, Exynos and Kirin;
+ On-the-fly kernel backup and restore at the touch of a button;
+ A kernel log viewer for developers;
+ Automatic Night Shift to tint the screen orange / red for easy viewing at night;
+ CPU temperature available in notification bar for devices that export CPU temperature;
+ The script manager allows you to create your own shell scripts within the application and pin them to your Quick Tiles;
+ Light and dark themes compatible with Android ™ 10;
+ Backup and restore of application settings;
Supported Android
(4.1 and up)
Marshmallow (6.0 – 6.0.1),Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.1),Oreo (8.0-8.1), Pie(9.0)
Download Franco Kernel Manager for all devices & kernels 6.1.2 Mod Extra APK Patched